Arthritic cats

One of the issues that emerges from our study of human beings is that cross-feeding of newborn infants with dairy-based formula milk leads to the development of atopic illnesses within a population and that the atopy will spread from mother to offspring over repeated generations, as described from epidemiological studies, by Maureen Minchin (2016).  The…

Recurring headache and migraine

Very typical of food intolerance reactions – especially with regard to dairy foods – is a pattern of repeated headache in the form of migraine or sinus headaches.  When these occur there is a need to dramatically reduce intake of dairy products, or to remove them entirely from the diet.  The pain may result from…

Atopic disease and politics

So much of the truth of atopic disease has already been written, but what prevents this from becoming mainstream, so that we can all give due consideration to choices that, literally, will control our quality of life and, to an extent, our longevity? America is a country that has more than its share of atopic…

Cancer, obesity, and atopy

There is undoubtedly a link between atopic illnesses and cancer.  When comparisons are made between traditional Chinese village cultures and more westernised Chinese cultures, there is a clear indication that certain cancers increase dramatically among those with access to dairy products and the means to bottle-feed these to infants. In many ways this appears to…

Diet and mental health

We are getting closer to the realisation that our chosen daily foods, our nurture in infancy, and our immune and genetic inheritance can all play a role in our mental health. Autistic children are generally born to a mother who already has one or more symptoms of atopic disease.  Depressive illness has become so widespread…

A vegan diet and asthma

More and more we read about celebrities feeling renewed and refreshed after turning to a vegan diet.  Is this more than further self-promotion and why is eating fewer foods apparently so beneficial? To me, it seems certain that for many, the key step to renewed health in veganism is the removal of foods of bovine…

How do you like your fats?

It is difficult to envisage how we have become so confused about fats and whether saturated, or monosaturated, or polyunsaturated fats make good or bad foodstuffs.  Moreover it is a puzzle as to whether a good diet should have 10% fat or 40% overall fat content.  Shops are still selling foods on the basis that…

In the beginning…

For the sake of simplifying discussion of atopic disease we need an idealised starting point.  A time, during human evolution, when natural selection and the rigours of survival on an uncompromising planet required us to be at peak fitness, to survive and to produce healthy offspring.  Natural selection would keep our, then smaller, population in…